Fairy Garden Door Contest

Enchanted Gardens Display & Fairy Garden Door Contest

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Welcome to the first ever Fairy Garden Door Contest! In celebration of the coming of spring, tulip blooms, and the official start of our 2023 on May 1st, this display encourages community members to use sustainable resources to create a magical and enchanted garden experience.

Fairy doors will be placed throughout the Arboretum with a People's Choice Award provided for the winning door. To sign up to participate in the fairy door contest, visit

Doors can be made of any weather sustaining materials that can withstand wind/rain/sleet etc. and be up to 18" in height (please do not exceed this height). 

For examples of fairy door creations, visit: Fairy Door DIY. Be creative, find sustainable sources and have fun! Doors will be available to pick up after our Annual Plant Sale, Mother's Day weekend.

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