COVID-19 Information

The safety of our staff, volunteers, and guests are of utmost importance to us. We value the importance of sharing the policies and procedures we have in place to make your visit the safest possible. Please note that these policies will continue to evolve based on the requirements of our city, county, state, and governmental officials so you may find it helpful to check back before each visit. Updates will also be shared on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

As a reminder, if you feel sick please stay home. We would love for you to join us again when you are well and can enjoy the full experience of the Arboretum.

Important Information to know when visiting the Arboretum

  • Changes to admission & the gift shop:

    •  Debit and credit cards, payment via phones (such as Apple or Samsung Pay) and check will be accepted.
    • We have placed protective screens at the admission counter and changed the layout of the Welcome Center to allow more distance between people. If you are able, please maintain 6ft of distance between yourself and visitors when waiting in line.
    • Staff has increased the number of cleanings happening in restrooms and common areas on the Arboretum grounds. Even with these increased measures, those using facilities or common areas are encouraged to wash their hands and use sanitizer where available.
  • Staff & Volunteers:

    • Staff will be working staggered schedules to reduce the number of people in the Welcome Center and other staff areas during the day. This may mean it takes us a little bit longer to answer requests or process memberships and such and impacts the upkeep of the gardens. Please be kind if we missed a weed or two.
    • Guests are asked to please keep their distance from staff and volunteers as they are working in the gardens. However, we are more than happy to still answer questions or take down your information and contact you with more information if needed later in the day.
    • Staff and volunteers are provided with cleaning supplies to disinfect tools and machinery before and after use, and provided protective equipment such as gloves and masks.
  • Garden changes:

    •  Depending on city, county, state, or governmental regulations access to certain gardens may be restricted.
    •  Until further notice we will not be providing toys for use in the children's garden. Families are welcome to bring their own but must take them when they leave.
    • Continue social distancing measures and avoid large groups of people.
  • Events & Rentals:

    • Guests are required to wear masks inside of Arboretum buildings such as the Welcome Center and Education Center due to the resolution passed by Waterloo City Council on 8/17/2020 (& still in effect as of May 1st, 2021). Masks are still encouraged in outdoor areas where it is difficult to socially distance
    • Set up completed by the Arboretum for renters and events hosted by the Arboretum will follow current social distancing guidelines and capacity regulations as designated by city, county, state, or governmental entities.
    • Events hosted and led by the Arboretum, especially those where people will be together in groups, will require the use of masks and follow social distancing protocols.
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