Popular Pollinators Day Camp

Day Camps

Popular Pollinators Day Camp

Thurs. July 16th

9 AM - 4 PM

According to the US Department of Agriculture*, "During the past 30-plus years, our nation’s pollinator populations have suffered serious losses due to invasive pests and diseases, exposure to pesticides and other chemicals, loss of habitat, loss of species and genetic diversity, and changing climate."

Funded by grant funds from the Cedar Valley Monarch Zones Project and the Young Foundation, this day camp will encourage young explorers to learn about pollinators, with an emphasis on monarch butterflies, and the ways we can help to increase the survival rate of these vital creatures.

About the Camp

Open to 3rd-6th Graders 

25 kids max

Cost: $00.00 Members /$00.00 Non-members

Reservations due by Thursday, July 9th

Please note, if you have more than one child attending, you will need to fill out a form for each child.

Attendees should be prepared to spend most of their class in an outdoor setting.

* https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2016/06/24/reversing-pollinator-decline-key-feeding-future

Popular Pollinators Day Camp

Thurs. July 16th

9 am - 4 pm

According to the US Department of Agriculture*, "During the past 30-plus years, our nation’s pollinator populations have suffered serious losses due to invasive pests and diseases, exposure to pesticides and other chemicals, loss of habitat, loss of species and genetic diversity, and changing climate."

Funded by grant funds from the Cedar Valley Monarch Zones Project and the Young Foundation, this day camp will encourage young explorers to learn about pollinators, with an emphasis on monarch butterflies, and the ways we can help to increase the survival rate of these vital creatures.

About the Camp

Open to 3rd-6th Graders 

25 kids max

Cost: $00.00 Member /$00.00 Non-member

Reservations due by Thursday, July 9th

Please note, if you have more than one child attending, you will need to fill out a form for each child.

Attendees should be prepared to spend most of their class in an outdoor setting.

* https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2016/06/24/reversing-pollinator-decline-key-feeding-future
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